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Abstract Title: Astronomy is the Trojan Horse for Teaching Physics Invisibly - Experiences from Star-gazing with both Students and the Public at a University Observat
Abstract: For many people physics is perceived as a hard subject based on mathematics and complex theories. This is valid for the public and even engineering students. But most people show deep interest in astronomy  often not knowing, that astronomy is 'just a form of physics' .
It is shown how star-gazing provides perfect conditions for teaching physics invisibly in an exciting way by satisfying peoples' interest in the universe including scientific methods. Examples:
1. The red star Betelgeuse builds the bridge to Wien's displacement law (temperature vs. color).
2. The star formation area Orion nebula leads to the law of conservation of angular momentum (spinning of planets around the sun).
4. Questions during observatory tours lead to scientific methods like measuring speed and distance of stars
5. Betelgeuse and Sirius have almost the same brightness, but big distance difference leading to star sizes, absolute energy outputs and nuclear fusion
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session I
Poster Number: A20

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Elmar Junker
Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences
Hochschulstr. 1
Rosenheim, Germany, Non U.S. D-83024

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