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Abstract Title: Contextual details, cognitive demand and kinematic concepts: exploring concepts and characteristics of student-generated problems at the university
Abstract: Student-generated physics problems provide a medium that allows students to demonstrate their understanding of physics concepts and define them in unique situations. This study looks at three undergraduate physics sections at a university in Chile and how students generated and established their own problems for high school students based on circular kinematics. By collecting and analyzing the work students produced, we were able to identify the various physics concepts and characteristics students used when developing the situation for each problem, the content involved, and the questions they generated for high school students to answer. Results show differences and similarities among the students work with regards to the kinematic concepts used and the characteristics of each problem. This work has implications for understanding how undergraduate students understand and interpret the physics taught to them in an undergraduate course and how they translate this knowledge to form physics problems with unique characteristics.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session II
Poster Number: B27
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Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Javier Pulgar
The Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, University of California Santa Barbara
University of California Santa Barbara
SANTA BARBARA, CA 93106-9490
Phone: 8054539002
and Co-Presenter(s)
Alexis Spina, The Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, University of California Santa Barbara, CA
Carlos Rios, Universidad Catolica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile
Danielle Harlow, The Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, University of California Santa Barbara, CA

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