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PERC 2019 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Using student-generated content to engage students in upper-division quantum mechanics
Abstract: Peerwise is an online learning environment in which students can author, answer, and give feedback on each other's multiple-choice questions. We describe the use of Peerwise in a junior-level quantum mechanics course over seven iterations. We describe measures of student engagement in terms of the use of the system and the improvement of questions. We discuss factors in the implementation that may have impacted engagement, including support for authoring high-quality questions, instructions on commenting and minimal requirements on authoring and commenting.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session III
Poster Number: C57
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Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Antje Kohnle
University of St Andrews
North Haugh
St Andrews, Non U.S. KY16 9SS
Phone: +44 1334 463195