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Abstract Title: Leveraging FCI–ACT Correlations to Communicate the Impact of Course Reform
Abstract: Conceptual inventories such as the FCI are widely used to assess the impact of course reform efforts in physics education. Gains on these instruments, however, are known to correlate with other student variables such as students' SAT score. I make use of this type of underlying correlation to communicate the impact of course reforms to broad audiences outside of physics education for which the FCI is not a useful benchmark. To illustrate this approach, I present an analysis of FCI learning gains that are disaggregated by ACT score before and after a major course reform in an introductory physics course. In this sample, normalized learning gains shifted from 0.28 to 0.46 were found to be equivalent to a shift in average ACT score from 24 to 29. Implications for the communicating research and evaluation results with different audiences are discussed.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session III
Poster Number: C14

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Brian Frank
Middle Tennessee State University