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PERC 2019 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Emergent Explicit Group Regulation in Small Group Scientific Activities
Abstract: In this project we investigate a phenomenon that we name emergent explicit group regulation (EER). In our video data, college freshmen are engaged in small group scientific activities promoting metacognition. Three activities of different types (reading discussion, hands-on model building, and outdoor experimentation) were analyzed qualitatively to identify and characterize EER. We developed a framework of EER to analyze the whole data set of activities, looking for patterns in student group regulation. We found instances of EER involving a context that regulation is "needed", an emergent student regulator, discourse and action of regulation, and effects on learning, such as understanding a topic, making progress on the project, or getting more accurate measurement. Implication for instruction will be generated to better facilitate student metacognition in small group activities.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session II
Poster Number: B29
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Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Ying Cao
Drury University
and Co-Presenter(s)
Aikaterini (Katia) Mari, Pierre-P. A. Ouimet, Amreen Nasim Thompson, Jenay R Sermon