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Abstract Title: Do I belong here?: Understanding Participation and Non-participation in Whole-Class “Board” Meetings
Abstract: In University Modeling Instruction, students work in small groups on a problem and then hold a student-led whole-class discussion to develop consensus.  While such interactive-engagement has been effective for learning, it requires students to be social while learning.  Feedback from course evaluations indicates that not all students value the whole-class discussions.  To better understand this feedback we had students write about their experience in a particularly contentious mid-semester whole-class discussion.  Then we developed a preliminary coding scheme based on the social ecologies of identity framework from Wegner's "Communities of Practice", which identifies student modes of belonging through participation and non-participation.  Preliminary evidence suggests that because not all students construct identities of participation, not all have a positive reaction to this pedagogy.  By developing a descriptive model of student engagement, we seek to develop a predictive model to inform professional development for instructors who teach in student centered classrooms.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session II
Poster Number: B81
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Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Brant Hinrichs
drury university
MO 65802
and Co-Presenter(s)
Jared Durden, Ozarks Technical Community College

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