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Abstract Title: The Giant, The Wintermaker, or The Hunter: Whose belt is it? (And why does that matter!?)
Abstract: "It's the belt!" This is how middle school teachers, in a professional development program focussed on improving teaching meaningful and relevant physics through inquiry-based frameworks, rationalized why they believe Orion is the most recognizable constellation in the night sky. It was from this foundation that we chose Orion to be the focus of the four-phase ethnoastronomy-based project presented here. After exploring the stars comprising the "belt", and the greater asterism through lens of the Greek mythology articulated in our curriculum documents, we explored deeper through Ojibwe, Arab, and Jewish perspectives as these cultures and religions were represented in our group. This aspect evoked asking critical questions about where, how, and why integrate traditional cultural knowledge that complements Western skylore into our physics classrooms. Our project concluded with becoming advocates for making our physics curriculum more authentic and relatable to the increasing diversity of our modern student population.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session II
Poster Number: B92

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Richard P. Hechter
University of Manitoba
Non U.S.