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PERC 2019 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: How do previous coding experiences influence undergraduate physics students?
Abstract: Electricity and Magnetism Projects and Practices in Physics (EMP-Cubed), a section of introductory, calculus-based physics, is designed around problem-based learning. Students spend each class working in groups on a single complex physics problem. Some of these problems are computational in nature – students start with code from a visual computer program that runs without accurately accounting for the physics, and they spend the class period applying the physics concepts correctly in the program. Here we present an interview study that investigates the relationship between students' prior computational experiences and their experience with computational activities in P-Cubed. This investigation demonstrates the ways by which prior coding experience can impact how students make sense of computation within physics.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session I
Poster Number: A1
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Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Jacqueline N Bumler
Michigan State University
567 Wilson Rd.
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: 2488806293
and Co-Presenter(s)
Paul C Hamerski, Michigan State University
Marcos D Caballero, Michigan State University
Paul W Irving, Michigan State University