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PERC 2019 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: The role of IPLS in shaping long-term attitudes toward physics
Abstract: While there is evidence that life science students enrolled in Introductory Physics for Life Science (IPLS) courses find physics to be more engaging and relevant to their primary interests than do their counterparts in more traditional introductory physics environments, we do not yet know whether those attitudes and affective responses persist. By studying the attitudes toward physics and interdisciplinary learning of life science students both during and after their IPLS experience, we hope to unpack how enduring these attitudes actually are. In this poster we present the results of preliminary efforts to assess this durability. We report on data obtained from surveys, journaling prompts, and interviews conducted with students in both the IPLS course and in subsequent upper level biology courses.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session III
Poster Number: C24

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Haley Gerardi
Lake Forest High School
4001 North Sagamore Drive
Milford, DE 19963
and Co-Presenter(s)
Chandra Turpen, University of Maryland, College Park
Catherine H. Crouch, Swarthmore College
Benjamin D. Geller, Swarthmore College