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Abstract Title: Measuring faculty attitude change towards active learning within a professional development workshop
Abstract: We report on our investigation of a retrospective pre-test to measure faculty attitude change towards the use of active learning after the Physics and Astronomy New Faculty Workshop (NFW). Using self-determination theory, we posit a set of attitudes that would support change in teaching practice. Among these attitudes, we find that only knowledge of active learning is substantively increased using traditional pre/post surveys.  We administered a retrospective pre-test, where participants (post-workshop) assess their pre-workshop attitudes. The rationale is that participants do not start with a common understanding of what "active learning" entails, and the workshop provides a normalizing experience so participants rate themselves on a common scale. Using the retrospective pre-test, we see attitudinal gains for most items.  Preliminary interviews support these findings, but only for some items. We suggest that the retrospective pre-test may be a valuable measure, but only for certain domains, and when supported by qualitative measures.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session II
Poster Number: B89
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Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Stephanie Chasteen
Chasteen Educational Consulting
UCB 390
Boulder, CO 80027
Phone: 3037753277
and Co-Presenter(s)
Rajendra Chattergoon, University of Colorado Boulder School of Education

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