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Abstract Title: Talking about Race: A resource for advisor-student conversations
Abstract: During graduate studies, both graduate students and advisors must manage their essential relationship. With the low representation of Black physics faculty, Black graduate students are often negotiating advisor relationships with white faculty. In these cross-race relationships, there is often the need for conversations about race, and how it impacts the experiences of Black students. We probe the need for and utility of a set of material resources for Black graduate students who want to engage in conversation with their advisors about race and their experiences with racism during their graduate studies. We conduct a case study analysis of short interviews with Black physics students about their experiences having conversations about race with their advisors, as well as the ways they have or would use academic papers and other resources to do so. In parallel, we argue for the role faculty may take and how they may initiate and engage productively in these discussions. We argue that there is a need for publicly accessible resources for these tools, and present some preliminary tools, and our plans to create some.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session II
Poster Number: B17

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Simone Hyater-Adams
University of Colorado, Boulder
390 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309
Phone: 6095608945
and Co-Presenter(s)
Noah Finkelstein, University of Colorado Boulder
Kathleen Hinko, Michigan State University