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Abstract Title: Investigating Students' Difficulties in Calculus-Based EM Using MCQ Tests: Preliminary Study
Abstract: In this preliminary study, we investigate students' difficulties in understanding basic concepts associated with Coulomb's force and Gauss's Law in the calculus-based freshman electricity and magnetism (EM) course at the American University in Cairo (AUC).

By comparing students results to instructors' expectations for multiple-choice test problems, which were administered over recent years at AUC, one may pinpoint not only misconceptions and the concepts that students find challenging, but also those concepts which appear easy from the instructor's point of view and are not so easy from the students' point of view.

This work is the start of a long study that covers a series of topics of freshman EM at AUC using item analysis to evaluate the multiple-choice answers of each question as an assessment tool for our teaching effectiveness.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session I
Poster Number: A52

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Mohammad AlFiky
The American University in Cairo
AUC Avenue P.O.Box 74
School of Sciences and Engineering, Physics Department
New Cairo, Non U.S. 11835
and Co-Presenter(s)
Karim Addas
Same affiliation