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PERC 2019 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Connecting facilitation to outcomes in the Departmental Action Team model
Abstract: University departments are complex organizations, which makes it difficult to create sustainable change in undergraduate education at the department level. This complexity means that a successful change effort requires a multifaceted approach that attends not only to the mechanics of implementing a change, but also to the relationships between the change effort and the department, the capacity of the change agents, and the culture in which the change effort is embedded.  In the Departmental Action Team (DAT) project, we support teams of faculty, students, and staff in effecting changes to some aspect of undergraduate education in their department. DATs are structured to address the complexity of departmental change, and are facilitated by members of our project team. We present our project's model of facilitation and theory of change, which connects the actions of DAT facilitators to the outcomes that DATs were designed to achieve.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session III
Poster Number: C9

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Joel C. Corbo
University of COlorado Boulder
860 35th Street
Boulder, CO 80303
Phone: 7187578844
and Co-Presenter(s)
Courtney Ngai, Colorado State University
Alanna Pawlak, University of Colorado Boulder
Gina M. Quan, San Jose State University