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Abstract Title: STEP UP: Case study of teacher’s changing beliefs about discrimination during the implementation of a women in physics lesson
Abstract: STEP UP is focused on mobilizing high school teachers to inspire more female high school students to pursue physics majors in college. One of the materials developed to aid teachers in this goal  is a discussion-based lesson on women's representation in physics. A primary goal of the lesson is to impact student beliefs, but teachers' own beliefs regarding women's representation in physics are also important to understand, both in terms of how these beliefs affect the way they implement the lesson and what teachers learn from the experience. Initial surveys and follow-up interviews were conducted with participating physics teachers at a single high school. We will present an analysis of how teacher's beliefs shift after the lesson on women's representation.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session II
Poster Number: B90

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Camila Monsalve
Florida International University
11200 SW 8th St
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: 3053487614
and Co-Presenter(s)
Geoff Potvin, Zahra Hazari, Robynne M. Lock, T. Blake Head, Raina Khatri, Idaykis Rogriguez