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Abstract Title: Students’ beliefs about the nature of experimental physics: Part one
Abstract: In this poster, we report on the first part of a two-part investigation of students' beliefs about the nature of experimental physics. Participants in our study were undergraduate physics students enrolled in a project-based optics laboratory course at a Master's-granting university in the Midwestern United States. During surveys and interviews, we asked participants to specify whether particular classroom practices were features of experimental physics research, and to explain their reasoning. In the first part of our project, we describe the rationale and criteria that participants used when ranking some practices, but not others, as features of experimental physics. We look for patterns in reasoning within and across students. For example, preliminary analysis suggests that some participants used their own project experiences as a proxy for experimentation more generally; these participants reasoned that, if they engaged in a practice during their project, it was a feature of experimental physics.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session I
Poster Number: A58

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Kimme S. Johnson
Western Washington University
516 High St
Bellingham, WA 98225
and Co-Presenter(s)
Soojin E. Park, Western Washington University; H. J. Lewandowski, University of Colorado Boulder; Dimitri R. Dounas-Frazer, Western Washington University