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PERC 2020 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Open-inquiry experiments using sensors controlled by Arduinos in a pandemic-resilient lab course
Abstract: In our open-source model of a pandemic-resilient flipped lab course, students pose their own research questions and devise their own physics experiments.  Their major instruments are an Arduino and electronic sensors which they choose from the wide and growing selection of inexpensive devices based on solid-state and MEMS technologies.  Supported by the open-source software and other online resources of the Maker movement, students are empowered to design and conduct experiments at home at intermediate and advanced levels.  Using flipped-lab methods, instructors devote contact hours to coaching students in refining research questions and analyzing and interpreting data, while students get continual practice in communicating their own evolving goals and latest results to their instructors and classmates.  While our pilot course continued virtually unchanged in the switch to virtual classes, our students' achievements show that these methods also bear consideration for inclusion even when all teaching activities can return to campus.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session II
Poster Number: 2.C1

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Forrest R. Bradbury
Amsterdam University College
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Non U.S. 1098XG
Phone: +31643151126
and Co-Presenter(s)
C. F. J. Pols, Delft University of Technology
C. L. Vlaanderen, University of Amsterdam