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Poster Session I - Poster Session II - Poster Session III

Poster Session I

Wednesday, July 22, 3:30pm Eastern Time

First Author Poster P#
Allen, Patricia E. Longitudinal E-CLASS Study of Physics Majors at a Masters-granting, Comprehensive University 1.K4
Amin, Bahar STEM Students’ Self-Efficacy and Sense of Belonging in Introductory Physics Labs 1.G3
Amos, Nathaniel Excerpts from an exploratory survey of units/dimensional analysis in introductory physics 1.L2
Barthelemy, Ramon Graduate programs in physics education research: A USA based survey 1.I1
Blackmon, Lena Characterizing the mathematical problem-solving strategies of advanced novice physics students 1.M4
Bott, Theodore E. Navigating computational thinking practices for high school physics curricula 1.E1
Breakall, Jared B. Maybe we aren’t that different after all: Faculty perceptions of grade 7-12 teaching as a career 1.D4
Burkholder, Eric Hidden variables: predicting student performance in introductory physics 1.C2
Christman, Devon M Supporting undergraduate facilitators to strengthen physics outreach programs 1.C4
Corsiglia, Giaco Characterizing and monitoring student discomfort in upper-division quantum mechanics 1.N3
Cwik, Sonja How the learning environment predicts male and female students’ motivational beliefs in algebra-based introductory physics 1.F5
Dalka, Robert Scaffolding Collective Reflection in a Physics Education Research Group 1.I3
Doucette, Danny What Makes a Good Physics Lab Partner? 1.A4
Dounas-Frazer, Dimitri R. Student perceptions of laboratory classroom activities and experimental physics practice 1.A3
Dreyfus, Benjamin W Longitudinal impact of flipped and traditional introductory physics courses 1.D1
Eblen-Zayas, Melissa Supporting student quantitative skills across introductory STEM courses: faculty approaches and perceived needs 1.E2
Fields, Melanie The transition to online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic at a regional, rural university: The experience of learning assistants 1.J4
Fischer, Christopher Changing pedagogy to help traditionally under-served populations 1.C5
Franklin, Maxwell Physics education research’s implicit views of physics faculty 1.I4
Gray, Nickolas What do Students Know about Electromagnetic Wave Generation? 1.N5
Guthrie, Matthew A tale of two guessing strategies: interpreting the time students spend solving problems through online log data 1.L1
Gutmann, Brianne “I’m not that important”: Barriers and bolsters to student agency during conversations about the intersections of physics and ethics 1.E4
Her, Pachi Examining student understanding of matrix algebra and eigentheory 1.N1
Izadi, Dena Physics Communication through Art: Development of Intersecting Identities 1.J1
Jambuge, Amali Priyanka Assessment feedback: A tool to promote scientific practices in upper-division 1.K5
Jeon, Sophia How do gender and inchargeness interact to affect equity in lab group interactions? 1.B1
Keebaugh, Christof Investigating student understanding of the stationary state wavefunction for a system of identical particles 1.L3
Lassen, Ira Ché Student ownership of lab projects: manifestation in student-project interactions 1.B4
Liu, Raylor Modeling the Complexity of Change and Implications of Sensemaking 1.E3
Lo, William Insights into student understanding of statistical mechanics 1.N4
Marshman, Emily Improving student understanding of Dirac notation by using analogical reasoning in the context of a three-dimensional vector space 1.M3
Martin, Makenna M. A tool for documenting and analyzing the flow of conversation about teaching and learning in facilitated faculty conversations 1.H2
Mason, Andrew J. Attitudes and approaches towards physics problem solving: by life science major, by course sequence, and by shutdown status 1.K2
McColgan, Michele Team-based learning in physics courses 1.C3
Mellen, Jillian Qualitative analysis of student perceptions of their self-efficacy 1.D3
Mikota, Matthew Workplace Climate for LGBT+ Physicists: Predictor of Outness 1.J2
Mondesir, Raphael Toward characterizing the demographics of introductory physics courses 1.I2
Ota, Shuya New measurements of BEMA performance based on the classical test theory 1.K3
Patterson, Zac Students’ pre-instructional perspectives of quantum physics 1.M5
Pearson III, Richard L Results of faculty interviews during the development of the Perceptions of Teaching as a Profession in Higher Education (PTaP.HE) instrument 1.H3
Pollard, Benjamin MAPLE, the Modeling Assessment for Physics Laboratory Experiments 1.B3
Quichocho, Xandria R. Understanding physics identity development through the identity performances of Black, Indigenous, and women of color and LGBTQ+ women in physics 1.F2
Rainey, Katherine D Developing coupled, multiple-response assessment items addressing scientific practices 1.N2
Ramey II, Charles L. Comparative analysis of letters and reports in an upper-division lab 1.B5
Ramírez Díaz, Mario Humberto Analysis of the evolution and results of Physics Teacher Professional Development projects for Preschool 1.H4
Rios, Laura Analysis of students perceptions of classroom structure, belongingness, and motivation in an introductory physics course 1.G1
Rodriguez, Miguel The associations between conceptual learning, physics identity and social interdependence 1.F1
Ryan, Qing Question Characteristics and Students’ Epistemic Framing 1.M2
Sagear, Sheila Student learning outcomes with hybrid computer simulations and hands-on labs 1.B2
Salehi, Shima Implicit and unchecked assumptions interfere with problem-solving in physics 1.L4
Sammons, Amber Changes in student attitudes and curricular benefits as a new course activity becomes standard 1.G5
Sayer, Ryan Advanced students’ and faculty members’ reasoning about the double slit experiment with single particles 1.M1
Singh, Chandralekha Why equivalent structural equation models of physics identity have different instructional implications 1.F3
Smith, Emily M. "Let's just pretend": Students' shifts in frames during a content-reinforcement lab 1.A1
Stang, Jared Exploring the contributions of self-efficacy and test anxiety to gender differences in assessments 1.K1
Strubbe, Linda E. PhysPort as professional development to foster creativity in teaching 1.H1
Sundstrom, Meagan Problematizing in inquiry-based labs: how students respond to unexpected results 1.A2
Thacker, Beth Development of an Instrument to Measure Student Assistants’ PCK-Q 1.H5
Topdemir, Zeynep Students’ integration related to recognition 1.F4
Trucks, Jesica L. Extending Learning Beyond the Planetarium with the Dome+ Model 1.J3
Van Dusen, Ben A critical examination of DFW rates in LA supported physics courses 1.C1
White, Courtney Student evaluation of more or better experimental data in classical and quantum mechanics 1.A5
Wood, Laura A. H. Transfer Student’s Narrative of Groupwork Characterized by Research Methods Course 1.G2
Young, Nicholas T. The Physics GRE does not help “overlooked” applicants 1.D2
Zhang, Muxin Examining the Social Dynamics of Small-Group Discussions 1.E5
Zimmerman, Charlotte Exploring student facility with "goes like" reasoning in introductory physics 1.L5

Poster Session II

Thursday, July 23, 11:00am Eastern Time

First Author Poster P#
Akinyemi, Abolaji A tale of two approaches: Comparison of evaluation strategies in physics problem solving between first- and third-year students 2.L4
Altermatt, Ellen Teaching Experience, Community of Practice Beliefs, and Teaching Strategies Predict Perceived IPLS Course Effectiveness 2.E2
Bayat Barooni, Amin Investigating student design engagement in research-based activities 2.C3
Bradbury, Forrest R. Open-inquiry experiments using sensors controlled by Arduinos in a pandemic-resilient lab course 2.C1
Burde, Jan-Philipp Evaluating secondary school students’ interest and conceptual understanding of circuits 2.G4
Cao, Ying Shared Resources in Student Understanding of Spherical Unit Vectors in Upper-division E&M 2.J5
Cardinot, Adriana An investigation of Irish students’ alternative conceptions of astronomy 2.I4
Chen, Zhongzhou Exploring the relation between students’ online learning behavior and course performance by incorporation of contextual information in data analysis 2.I1
Cochran, Geraldine L A framework for improving diversity work in physics 2.A4
Cowan, Erika Using Deliberate Innovation Methodologies to Enable Graduate Student Success 2.H1
Doty, Constance M. Impact of changing physical learning space on GTA and student behaviors 2.E1
Dreyfus, Benjamin W How the Learning Assistant Experience Impacts Learning Assistants as Students 2.B2
Euler, Elias The digital technologies of physics education research 2.A1
Frazer, Laszlo “It’s Fundamental”: Quantum Dot Blinking Experiment to Teach Critical Thinking 2.C5
Hamdan, Alia Lightning changes amist Covid-19: A case study of how a large research institute moved physics classes and labs online and its impact on students and 2.D5
Head, Thomas Believe that they can achieve: How Teacher Attitudes Toward Physics Impact Student Outcomes 2.G5
House, Lindsay Legacy of the Pale Blue Dot: Can introductory astronomy experiences impact mindset and self-efficacy? 2.H5
Hull, Michael M Respecting fluidity of student ideas: student-centered and enjoyable lessons about radioactivity 2.M6
Ibrahim, Bashirah Students’ visual gaze in solving sequential and simultaneous synthesis problems 2.F1
Jia, Ying Improving student understanding of a rigid body rolling without slipping 2.K2
Johnson, Brandon James A Case Study Exploring Reasons a Hard-Working Student Might Copy from Yahoo Answers 2.J4
Johnson, Nekeisha Examining consistency of student errors in vector operations using module analysis 2.L1
Kalender, Z. Yasemin Sense of agency, gender, and students’ perception in open-ended physics labs 2.D2
Kapp, Sebastian Augmented Reality Visualizations in Undergraduate Physics Laboratory Courses 2.D4
Kepple, Caitlin Pedagogy training for the development of GTA mindsets and inclusive teaching practices 2.B1
Khong, Hien Examining students engagement in Planning Investigations practice in a written exam 2.C4
Leak, Anne E. The influence of teacher questioning approaches on students’ productive thinking 2.M1
Leuteritz, Robyn Investigating the Impact of Cognitive Training on Newton’s 2nd Law 2.M3
Li, Yangqiuting How learning environment predicts male and female students’ physics motivational beliefs in introductory physics courses 2.J1
Liu, Dan Decomposition of forces on inclined planes 2.L3
Malespina, Alysa The additional benefit of working in same-gender groups on students’ self-efficacy in introductory physics 2.J2
Maries, Alexandru Promoting Problem-Solving Abilities through Web-based Interactive Video-Enhanced Tutorials 2.I2
Mays, Mikayla Examining and supporting student construction of alternative lines of reasoning 2.M2
McCauley, Austin Understanding LA sensemaking: using “teacher hat” to prompt changes in discussion frame 2.B4
Mistades, Voltaire Students’ Conceptual Understanding and Problem-Solving of the Work-Energy and Impulse-Momentum Theorems 2.K3
Mitchell-Polka, Khadijih The physics classroom as a space for empowerment 2.A5
Monsalve, Camila Students of Color with transfer credits earn a large share of STEM degrees at Large Midwestern University: A quantitative study 2.H2
Morrison, Andrew Comparison of student-reported study habits with faculty expectations and predictions 2.M5
Moshfeghyeganeh, Saeed The Effect of Spirituality and Religiousness on Students’ Physics Career Choice in the US 2.H4
Mullen, Claire Computation for Science: Engaging university science students in computational thinking 2.I5
Nadeau, Michael Participation in an online community of high school physics teachers 2.G2
Prefontaine, Brean Informal Physics Programs as Integral Experiences for Physics Identity Development 2.B5
Rak, Gwendolyn Exploring the Durability of Student Attitudes Toward Interdisciplinarity 2.E5
Ramírez Díaz, Mario Humberto Research Projects in Science Education for Preschool, Evolution, and Results in Curriculum Development, Evaluation Tools, and Teacher Workshops. 2.G1
Rodelli, Liana Analyzing the impacts of a new mobile application on student understanding of and attitudes toward electric fields 2.K5
Rosauer, Jeffrey Robert Thematic analysis of student manipulations of the PhET simulation “Fluid Pressure and Flow” 2.I3
Rosenblatt, Rebecca Investigating partnerships and funding for the Physics Education Research community 2.A2
Rubien, Jack D The impact of IPLS in a senior biology capstone course 2.E3
Sarriugarte, Paulo Students’ understanding of the moment of inertia in a rotating rigid body 2.K1
Scanlon, Erin M. Practicing physicists’ knowledge about disability: Development of the Disability and Physics Careers Survey (DPCS) 2.A3
Shafer, Devyn When the Gatekeeper Says No: Mechanics Students’ Resilience and Success 2.H3
Sirnoorkar, Amogh Qualitative Analysis of Students' Epistemic Framing Surrounding Instructor's Interaction 2.M4
Starita, Jason T. What makes a person a physicist? Learning Assistant and physics major views 2.B3
Stump, Emily M. Student reasoning about sources of experimental measurement uncertainty in quantum versus classical mechanics 2.C2
Ungermann, Matthias Do Hessian high schools foster understanding of Nature of Science? 2.G3
Vignal, Michael Comparing Unprompted and Prompted Student-Generated Diagrams 2.L5
Walsh, Cole Connecting the dots: Student social networks in introductory physics labs 2.F2
Walter, Paul J. Comparing item response curves of matched pre-/post-FCI respondents 2.F4
Waterson, Alyssa C. Analyzing time-to-degree for transfer students at a Large Midwestern University 2.J3
Weidner, Carrie A. Investigating student use of a flexible tool for simulating and visualizing quantum mechanics 2.K4
Williams, Stephanie M Living Physics Portal: Designing analytics to map faculty’s evolving participation 2.E4
Zich, Raymond Changes to equipotential diagrams to improve student ranking of electric potential 2.L2
Zwartz, Michael Examining student growth in laboratory notebook practices in introductory physics courses 2.D3

Poster Session III

Thursday, July 23, 2:00pm Eastern Time

First Author Poster P#
Archibeque, Benjamin Analyzing discussions of under-representation in a high school classroom 3.G4
Arielle, Acacia Student ownership of lab projects: evolution across temporal project phases 3.D3
Bauman, Lauren C. Identifying student conceptual resources for understanding electric current 3.I2
Bender, Lydia G How Faculty Take Up Ideas from a Professional Development Program 3.E3
Bennett, Michael B. Toward a Comprehensive Characterization of Pedagogy in Informal Physics Learning Spaces 3.B4
Boudreaux, Andrew Toward a framework for the natures of proportional reasoning in introductory physics 3.J5
Broadfoot, Cheyenne Identifying student resources for understanding kinematics 3.I5
Bugge, Danielle The long-term effects of learning in an ISLE approach classroom 3.J1
Canright, Jared Leveraging virtual reality for student development of force models in the introductory lab 3.D2
Cao, Ying Emergent Explicit Group Regulation in Scientific Inquiry 3.G3
Christman, Elaine Exploring the CLASS with Item Response Theory 3.M3
Conlin, Luke From ‘having a day’ to doing astronomy: Supporting families learning together 3.B2
Crossette, Nate Investigating how graduate students connect microstates and macrostates with entropy 3.K2
DeStefano, Paul Rapid creation and assessment of introductory physics laboratory curriculum for distance-learning 3.F3
Dopatka, Liza Measuring students' interest in physics 3.A4
Fairfield, Jessamyn Bright Club: Using Stand-up Comedy for Informal Education 3.B1
Flowers, Abigail Development of computational thinking skills in an introductory physics lab. 3.H2
Fox, Michael Capturing modeling pathways using the Modeling Assessment for Physics Laboratory Experiments 3.C5
Franklin, Scott Who Goes where: patterns in academic field switching of successful college graduates 3.A1
Fung, Anderson T. Ordinary differential equations in physics: some preliminary observations of the role of rote procedure 3.K4
Gavrin, Andrew D. Physics students' reactions to an abrupt shift in instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic 3.G5
Gifford, Julian D. A framework for curriculum design to support mathematical sense making 3.M5
Giordano, Nicholas Developing Augmented Reality Modules to Teach Electromagnetism 3.I4
Goodhew, Lisa A case of resources-oriented instruction in calculus-based introductory physics 3.J3
Hamdan, Alia Contributing Effects to Students' Performance on the FCI as a Measure of Physics Knowledge 3.L3
Henderson, Rachel Implementing a mixed-methods approach to understand students’ self-efficacy: A pilot study 3.F2
Hertel, Matthew E A graduate teaching assistant’s approach to building a supportive learning community for introductory physics students. 3.E4
Hoehn, Jessica R. Investigating students' views about the role of writing in physics lab classes 3.D5
Holmes, Natasha Preliminary evidence for available roles in mixed-gender and all-women lab groups 3.F1
Huffman, James Investigating Upper-Division Students' Interpretations of the Divergence Theorem 3.K1
Ives, Joss Exploratory Factor Analysis of a survey on group-exam experiences and subsequent investigation of the role of group familiarity 3.F4
Justice, Paul Instructional Pragmatism: Using a Variety of Evidence-Based Approaches Flexibly to Improve Student Learning 3.L1
Kamenetzky, Julia Using Student-Generated Reading Questions to Encourage Pre-Class Preparation in Introductory Physics 3.K5
Logan, Savannah L. College faculty support for grade 7-12 teaching careers: survey results and comparisons to student perceptions 3.E5
May, Jason M. Students’ dynamic engagement with experimental data in a physics laboratory setting 3.D4
McInerny, Alistair Investigating a collaborative group exam as an instructional tool to address student reasoning difficulties that remain even after instruction 3.L4
McQuade, Alexa Characteristics of institutions with Learning Assistant programs: An equity investigation 3.E6
Mullen, Claire A Community of Practice Approach to Identity Formation 3.A2
Muller, Alexandria Design Principles to Support Physics and Engineering Learning in Complementary Classrooms and Field Trip Activities 3.B3
Myers, Carissa Student perspective about the impacts of feedback 3.G1
Okwei, Eugene Understanding the Impact of Large-Scale Radio Astronomy Projects on Student Engagement With Physics in Ghana 3.H4
Oliver, Kristin Examining effective mentorship in undergraduate research experiences at a large research institution 3.F5
Olsho, Alexis Online administration of a reasoning inventory in development 3.C2
Owens, Lindsay M. Physics GRE Requirements Create Uneven Playing Field for Graduate Applicants 3.A5
Pawlak, Alanna Improving education through departmental change: a comparison of approaches 3.E2
Pugh, Samantha Developing Business Acumen and Employability in Physics Undergraduates: What do students really learn? 3.M2
Quaal, Adam Exploratory factor analysis of the QMCA 3.C4
Riihiluoma, William Student Use of Dirac Notation to Express Probability Concepts in Quantum Mechanics 3.K3
Salmani, Fatema Al A Rubric for Assessing Thinking Skills in Free-Response Exam Problems 3.C1
Scherr, Rachel E Centering and marginalization in introductory university physics courses 3.J4
Smith, Trevor Toward a valid instrument for measuring physics quantitative literacy 3.I3
Stanley, Bryan Perspectives on informal programs: How site visits can help us learn more 3.B5
Stewart, John What does the Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation pretest measure? 3.C3
Sulaiman, Nidhal Impact on students' views of experimental physics from a large introductory physics lab course 3.D1
Tipton, Maya Does IPLS help students apply physics to biology? 3.M1
Traxler, Adrienne Chili and mistakes: Students reflect on research 3.H5
Wang, Jianlan Scrutinize SA-student interaction in inquiry-oriented college physics courses 3.E1
Weller, Daniel P. Video Analysis of Variation in Computational Thinking Practices in Physics 3.H1
Werth, Alexandra Process of transforming of an introductory mechanics lab course at Fort Lewis College 3.L2
Whitcomb, Kyle Recognition always matters: A cross-sectional study of the physics identity of physics majors 3.A3
Wilcox, Bethany Understanding the student experience with emergency remote teaching 3.G2
Wilson, Michael B E&M Plane Wave Visualization Designed for Improved Student Understanding 3.I1
Winther-Larsen, Sebastian Gregorius Quantifying professors’ effect on student grades 3.M4
Young, Tamara A case of successful learning about magnetism through the use of evidence 3.J2