First Author |
Poster |
P# |
Allen, Patricia E. |
Longitudinal E-CLASS Study of Physics Majors at a Masters-granting, Comprehensive University |
1.K4 |
Amin, Bahar |
STEM Students’ Self-Efficacy and Sense of Belonging in Introductory Physics Labs |
1.G3 |
Amos, Nathaniel |
Excerpts from an exploratory survey of units/dimensional analysis in introductory physics |
1.L2 |
Barthelemy, Ramon |
Graduate programs in physics education research: A USA based survey |
1.I1 |
Blackmon, Lena |
Characterizing the mathematical problem-solving strategies of advanced novice physics students |
1.M4 |
Bott, Theodore E. |
Navigating computational thinking practices for high school physics curricula |
1.E1 |
Breakall, Jared B. |
Maybe we aren’t that different after all: Faculty perceptions of grade 7-12 teaching as a career |
1.D4 |
Burkholder, Eric |
Hidden variables: predicting student performance in introductory physics |
1.C2 |
Christman, Devon M |
Supporting undergraduate facilitators to strengthen physics outreach programs |
1.C4 |
Corsiglia, Giaco |
Characterizing and monitoring student discomfort in upper-division quantum mechanics |
1.N3 |
Cwik, Sonja |
How the learning environment predicts male and female students’ motivational beliefs in algebra-based introductory physics |
1.F5 |
Dalka, Robert |
Scaffolding Collective Reflection in a Physics Education Research Group |
1.I3 |
Doucette, Danny |
What Makes a Good Physics Lab Partner? |
1.A4 |
Dounas-Frazer, Dimitri R. |
Student perceptions of laboratory classroom activities and experimental physics practice |
1.A3 |
Dreyfus, Benjamin W |
Longitudinal impact of flipped and traditional introductory physics courses |
1.D1 |
Eblen-Zayas, Melissa |
Supporting student quantitative skills across introductory STEM courses: faculty approaches and perceived needs |
1.E2 |
Fields, Melanie |
The transition to online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic at a regional, rural university: The experience of learning assistants |
1.J4 |
Fischer, Christopher |
Changing pedagogy to help traditionally under-served populations |
1.C5 |
Franklin, Maxwell |
Physics education research’s implicit views of physics faculty |
1.I4 |
Gray, Nickolas |
What do Students Know about Electromagnetic Wave Generation? |
1.N5 |
Guthrie, Matthew |
A tale of two guessing strategies: interpreting the time students spend solving problems through online log data |
1.L1 |
Gutmann, Brianne |
“I’m not that important”: Barriers and bolsters to student agency during conversations about the intersections of physics and ethics |
1.E4 |
Her, Pachi |
Examining student understanding of matrix algebra and eigentheory |
1.N1 |
Izadi, Dena |
Physics Communication through Art: Development of Intersecting Identities |
1.J1 |
Jambuge, Amali Priyanka |
Assessment feedback: A tool to promote scientific practices in upper-division |
1.K5 |
Jeon, Sophia |
How do gender and inchargeness interact to affect equity in lab group interactions? |
1.B1 |
Keebaugh, Christof |
Investigating student understanding of the stationary state wavefunction for a system of identical particles |
1.L3 |
Lassen, Ira Ché |
Student ownership of lab projects: manifestation in student-project interactions |
1.B4 |
Liu, Raylor |
Modeling the Complexity of Change and Implications of Sensemaking |
1.E3 |
Lo, William |
Insights into student understanding of statistical mechanics |
1.N4 |
Marshman, Emily |
Improving student understanding of Dirac notation by using analogical reasoning in the context of a three-dimensional vector space |
1.M3 |
Martin, Makenna M. |
A tool for documenting and analyzing the flow of conversation about teaching and learning in facilitated faculty conversations |
1.H2 |
Mason, Andrew J. |
Attitudes and approaches towards physics problem solving: by life science major, by course sequence, and by shutdown status |
1.K2 |
McColgan, Michele |
Team-based learning in physics courses |
1.C3 |
Mellen, Jillian |
Qualitative analysis of student perceptions of their self-efficacy |
1.D3 |
Mikota, Matthew |
Workplace Climate for LGBT+ Physicists: Predictor of Outness |
1.J2 |
Mondesir, Raphael |
Toward characterizing the demographics of introductory physics courses |
1.I2 |
Ota, Shuya |
New measurements of BEMA performance based on the classical test theory |
1.K3 |
Patterson, Zac |
Students’ pre-instructional perspectives of quantum physics |
1.M5 |
Pearson III, Richard L |
Results of faculty interviews during the development of the Perceptions of Teaching as a Profession in Higher Education (PTaP.HE) instrument |
1.H3 |
Pollard, Benjamin |
MAPLE, the Modeling Assessment for Physics Laboratory Experiments |
1.B3 |
Quichocho, Xandria R. |
Understanding physics identity development through the identity performances of Black, Indigenous, and women of color and LGBTQ+ women in physics |
1.F2 |
Rainey, Katherine D |
Developing coupled, multiple-response assessment items addressing scientific practices |
1.N2 |
Ramey II, Charles L. |
Comparative analysis of letters and reports in an upper-division lab |
1.B5 |
Ramírez Díaz, Mario Humberto |
Analysis of the evolution and results of Physics Teacher Professional Development projects for Preschool |
1.H4 |
Rios, Laura |
Analysis of students perceptions of classroom structure, belongingness, and motivation in an introductory physics course |
1.G1 |
Rodriguez, Miguel |
The associations between conceptual learning, physics identity and social interdependence |
1.F1 |
Ryan, Qing |
Question Characteristics and Students’ Epistemic Framing |
1.M2 |
Sagear, Sheila |
Student learning outcomes with hybrid computer simulations and hands-on labs |
1.B2 |
Salehi, Shima |
Implicit and unchecked assumptions interfere with problem-solving in physics |
1.L4 |
Sammons, Amber |
Changes in student attitudes and curricular benefits as a new course activity becomes standard |
1.G5 |
Sayer, Ryan |
Advanced students’ and faculty members’ reasoning about the double slit experiment with single particles |
1.M1 |
Singh, Chandralekha |
Why equivalent structural equation models of physics identity have different instructional implications |
1.F3 |
Smith, Emily M. |
"Let's just pretend": Students' shifts in frames during a content-reinforcement lab |
1.A1 |
Stang, Jared |
Exploring the contributions of self-efficacy and test anxiety to gender differences in assessments |
1.K1 |
Strubbe, Linda E. |
PhysPort as professional development to foster creativity in teaching |
1.H1 |
Sundstrom, Meagan |
Problematizing in inquiry-based labs: how students respond to unexpected results |
1.A2 |
Thacker, Beth |
Development of an Instrument to Measure Student Assistants’ PCK-Q |
1.H5 |
Topdemir, Zeynep |
Students’ integration related to recognition |
1.F4 |
Trucks, Jesica L. |
Extending Learning Beyond the Planetarium with the Dome+ Model |
1.J3 |
Van Dusen, Ben |
A critical examination of DFW rates in LA supported physics courses |
1.C1 |
White, Courtney |
Student evaluation of more or better experimental data in classical and quantum mechanics |
1.A5 |
Wood, Laura A. H. |
Transfer Student’s Narrative of Groupwork Characterized by Research Methods Course |
1.G2 |
Young, Nicholas T. |
The Physics GRE does not help “overlooked” applicants |
1.D2 |
Zhang, Muxin |
Examining the Social Dynamics of Small-Group Discussions |
1.E5 |
Zimmerman, Charlotte |
Exploring student facility with "goes like" reasoning in introductory physics |
1.L5 |
First Author |
Poster |
P# |
Akinyemi, Abolaji |
A tale of two approaches: Comparison of evaluation strategies in physics problem solving between first- and third-year students |
2.L4 |
Altermatt, Ellen |
Teaching Experience, Community of Practice Beliefs, and Teaching Strategies Predict Perceived IPLS Course Effectiveness |
2.E2 |
Bayat Barooni, Amin |
Investigating student design engagement in research-based activities |
2.C3 |
Bradbury, Forrest R. |
Open-inquiry experiments using sensors controlled by Arduinos in a pandemic-resilient lab course |
2.C1 |
Burde, Jan-Philipp |
Evaluating secondary school students’ interest and conceptual understanding of circuits |
2.G4 |
Cao, Ying |
Shared Resources in Student Understanding of Spherical Unit Vectors in Upper-division E&M |
2.J5 |
Cardinot, Adriana |
An investigation of Irish students’ alternative conceptions of astronomy |
2.I4 |
Chen, Zhongzhou |
Exploring the relation between students’ online learning behavior and course performance by incorporation of contextual information in data analysis |
2.I1 |
Cochran, Geraldine L |
A framework for improving diversity work in physics |
2.A4 |
Cowan, Erika |
Using Deliberate Innovation Methodologies to Enable Graduate Student Success |
2.H1 |
Doty, Constance M. |
Impact of changing physical learning space on GTA and student behaviors |
2.E1 |
Dreyfus, Benjamin W |
How the Learning Assistant Experience Impacts Learning Assistants as Students |
2.B2 |
Euler, Elias |
The digital technologies of physics education research |
2.A1 |
Frazer, Laszlo |
“It’s Fundamental”: Quantum Dot Blinking Experiment to Teach Critical Thinking |
2.C5 |
Hamdan, Alia |
Lightning changes amist Covid-19: A case study of how a large research institute moved physics classes and labs online and its impact on students and |
2.D5 |
Head, Thomas |
Believe that they can achieve: How Teacher Attitudes Toward Physics Impact Student Outcomes |
2.G5 |
House, Lindsay |
Legacy of the Pale Blue Dot: Can introductory astronomy experiences impact mindset and self-efficacy? |
2.H5 |
Hull, Michael M |
Respecting fluidity of student ideas: student-centered and enjoyable lessons about radioactivity |
2.M6 |
Ibrahim, Bashirah |
Students’ visual gaze in solving sequential and simultaneous synthesis problems |
2.F1 |
Jia, Ying |
Improving student understanding of a rigid body rolling without slipping |
2.K2 |
Johnson, Brandon James |
A Case Study Exploring Reasons a Hard-Working Student Might Copy from Yahoo Answers |
2.J4 |
Johnson, Nekeisha |
Examining consistency of student errors in vector operations using module analysis |
2.L1 |
Kalender, Z. Yasemin |
Sense of agency, gender, and students’ perception in open-ended physics labs |
2.D2 |
Kapp, Sebastian |
Augmented Reality Visualizations in Undergraduate Physics Laboratory Courses |
2.D4 |
Kepple, Caitlin |
Pedagogy training for the development of GTA mindsets and inclusive teaching practices |
2.B1 |
Khong, Hien |
Examining students engagement in Planning Investigations practice in a written exam |
2.C4 |
Leak, Anne E. |
The influence of teacher questioning approaches on students’ productive thinking |
2.M1 |
Leuteritz, Robyn |
Investigating the Impact of Cognitive Training on Newton’s 2nd Law |
2.M3 |
Li, Yangqiuting |
How learning environment predicts male and female students’ physics motivational beliefs in introductory physics courses |
2.J1 |
Liu, Dan |
Decomposition of forces on inclined planes |
2.L3 |
Malespina, Alysa |
The additional benefit of working in same-gender groups on students’ self-efficacy in introductory physics |
2.J2 |
Maries, Alexandru |
Promoting Problem-Solving Abilities through Web-based Interactive Video-Enhanced Tutorials |
2.I2 |
Mays, Mikayla |
Examining and supporting student construction of alternative lines of reasoning |
2.M2 |
McCauley, Austin |
Understanding LA sensemaking: using “teacher hat” to prompt changes in discussion frame |
2.B4 |
Mistades, Voltaire |
Students’ Conceptual Understanding and Problem-Solving of the Work-Energy and Impulse-Momentum Theorems |
2.K3 |
Mitchell-Polka, Khadijih |
The physics classroom as a space for empowerment |
2.A5 |
Monsalve, Camila |
Students of Color with transfer credits earn a large share of STEM degrees at Large Midwestern University: A quantitative study |
2.H2 |
Morrison, Andrew |
Comparison of student-reported study habits with faculty expectations and predictions |
2.M5 |
Moshfeghyeganeh, Saeed |
The Effect of Spirituality and Religiousness on Students’ Physics Career Choice in the US |
2.H4 |
Mullen, Claire |
Computation for Science: Engaging university science students in computational thinking |
2.I5 |
Nadeau, Michael |
Participation in an online community of high school physics teachers |
2.G2 |
Prefontaine, Brean |
Informal Physics Programs as Integral Experiences for Physics Identity Development |
2.B5 |
Rak, Gwendolyn |
Exploring the Durability of Student Attitudes Toward Interdisciplinarity |
2.E5 |
Ramírez Díaz, Mario Humberto |
Research Projects in Science Education for Preschool, Evolution, and Results in Curriculum Development, Evaluation Tools, and Teacher Workshops. |
2.G1 |
Rodelli, Liana |
Analyzing the impacts of a new mobile application on student understanding of and attitudes toward electric fields |
2.K5 |
Rosauer, Jeffrey Robert |
Thematic analysis of student manipulations of the PhET simulation “Fluid Pressure and Flow” |
2.I3 |
Rosenblatt, Rebecca |
Investigating partnerships and funding for the Physics Education Research community |
2.A2 |
Rubien, Jack D |
The impact of IPLS in a senior biology capstone course |
2.E3 |
Sarriugarte, Paulo |
Students’ understanding of the moment of inertia in a rotating rigid body |
2.K1 |
Scanlon, Erin M. |
Practicing physicists’ knowledge about disability: Development of the Disability and Physics Careers Survey (DPCS) |
2.A3 |
Shafer, Devyn |
When the Gatekeeper Says No: Mechanics Students’ Resilience and Success |
2.H3 |
Sirnoorkar, Amogh |
Qualitative Analysis of Students' Epistemic Framing Surrounding Instructor's Interaction |
2.M4 |
Starita, Jason T. |
What makes a person a physicist? Learning Assistant and physics major views |
2.B3 |
Stump, Emily M. |
Student reasoning about sources of experimental measurement uncertainty in quantum versus classical mechanics |
2.C2 |
Ungermann, Matthias |
Do Hessian high schools foster understanding of Nature of Science? |
2.G3 |
Vignal, Michael |
Comparing Unprompted and Prompted Student-Generated Diagrams |
2.L5 |
Walsh, Cole |
Connecting the dots: Student social networks in introductory physics labs |
2.F2 |
Walter, Paul J. |
Comparing item response curves of matched pre-/post-FCI respondents |
2.F4 |
Waterson, Alyssa C. |
Analyzing time-to-degree for transfer students at a Large Midwestern University |
2.J3 |
Weidner, Carrie A. |
Investigating student use of a flexible tool for simulating and visualizing quantum mechanics |
2.K4 |
Williams, Stephanie M |
Living Physics Portal: Designing analytics to map faculty’s evolving participation |
2.E4 |
Zich, Raymond |
Changes to equipotential diagrams to improve student ranking of electric potential |
2.L2 |
Zwartz, Michael |
Examining student growth in laboratory notebook practices in introductory physics courses |
2.D3 |
First Author |
Poster |
P# |
Archibeque, Benjamin |
Analyzing discussions of under-representation in a high school classroom |
3.G4 |
Arielle, Acacia |
Student ownership of lab projects: evolution across temporal project phases |
3.D3 |
Bauman, Lauren C. |
Identifying student conceptual resources for understanding electric current |
3.I2 |
Bender, Lydia G |
How Faculty Take Up Ideas from a Professional Development Program |
3.E3 |
Bennett, Michael B. |
Toward a Comprehensive Characterization of Pedagogy in Informal Physics Learning Spaces |
3.B4 |
Boudreaux, Andrew |
Toward a framework for the natures of proportional reasoning in introductory physics |
3.J5 |
Broadfoot, Cheyenne |
Identifying student resources for understanding kinematics |
3.I5 |
Bugge, Danielle |
The long-term effects of learning in an ISLE approach classroom |
3.J1 |
Canright, Jared |
Leveraging virtual reality for student development of force models in the introductory lab |
3.D2 |
Cao, Ying |
Emergent Explicit Group Regulation in Scientific Inquiry |
3.G3 |
Christman, Elaine |
Exploring the CLASS with Item Response Theory |
3.M3 |
Conlin, Luke |
From ‘having a day’ to doing astronomy: Supporting families learning together |
3.B2 |
Crossette, Nate |
Investigating how graduate students connect microstates and macrostates with entropy |
3.K2 |
DeStefano, Paul |
Rapid creation and assessment of introductory physics laboratory curriculum for distance-learning |
3.F3 |
Dopatka, Liza |
Measuring students' interest in physics |
3.A4 |
Fairfield, Jessamyn |
Bright Club: Using Stand-up Comedy for Informal Education |
3.B1 |
Flowers, Abigail |
Development of computational thinking skills in an introductory physics lab. |
3.H2 |
Fox, Michael |
Capturing modeling pathways using the Modeling Assessment for Physics Laboratory Experiments |
3.C5 |
Franklin, Scott |
Who Goes where: patterns in academic field switching of successful college graduates |
3.A1 |
Fung, Anderson T. |
Ordinary differential equations in physics: some preliminary observations of the role of rote procedure |
3.K4 |
Gavrin, Andrew D. |
Physics students' reactions to an abrupt shift in instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic |
3.G5 |
Gifford, Julian D. |
A framework for curriculum design to support mathematical sense making |
3.M5 |
Giordano, Nicholas |
Developing Augmented Reality Modules to Teach Electromagnetism |
3.I4 |
Goodhew, Lisa |
A case of resources-oriented instruction in calculus-based introductory physics |
3.J3 |
Hamdan, Alia |
Contributing Effects to Students' Performance on the FCI as a Measure of Physics Knowledge |
3.L3 |
Henderson, Rachel |
Implementing a mixed-methods approach to understand students’ self-efficacy: A pilot study |
3.F2 |
Hertel, Matthew E |
A graduate teaching assistant’s approach to building a supportive learning community for introductory physics students. |
3.E4 |
Hoehn, Jessica R. |
Investigating students' views about the role of writing in physics lab classes |
3.D5 |
Holmes, Natasha |
Preliminary evidence for available roles in mixed-gender and all-women lab groups |
3.F1 |
Huffman, James |
Investigating Upper-Division Students' Interpretations of the Divergence Theorem |
3.K1 |
Ives, Joss |
Exploratory Factor Analysis of a survey on group-exam experiences and subsequent investigation of the role of group familiarity |
3.F4 |
Justice, Paul |
Instructional Pragmatism: Using a Variety of Evidence-Based Approaches Flexibly to Improve Student Learning |
3.L1 |
Kamenetzky, Julia |
Using Student-Generated Reading Questions to Encourage Pre-Class Preparation in Introductory Physics |
3.K5 |
Logan, Savannah L. |
College faculty support for grade 7-12 teaching careers: survey results and comparisons to student perceptions |
3.E5 |
May, Jason M. |
Students’ dynamic engagement with experimental data in a physics laboratory setting |
3.D4 |
McInerny, Alistair |
Investigating a collaborative group exam as an instructional tool to address student reasoning difficulties that remain even after instruction |
3.L4 |
McQuade, Alexa |
Characteristics of institutions with Learning Assistant programs: An equity investigation |
3.E6 |
Mullen, Claire |
A Community of Practice Approach to Identity Formation |
3.A2 |
Muller, Alexandria |
Design Principles to Support Physics and Engineering Learning in Complementary Classrooms and Field Trip Activities |
3.B3 |
Myers, Carissa |
Student perspective about the impacts of feedback |
3.G1 |
Okwei, Eugene |
Understanding the Impact of Large-Scale Radio Astronomy Projects on Student Engagement With Physics in Ghana |
3.H4 |
Oliver, Kristin |
Examining effective mentorship in undergraduate research experiences at a large research institution |
3.F5 |
Olsho, Alexis |
Online administration of a reasoning inventory in development |
3.C2 |
Owens, Lindsay M. |
Physics GRE Requirements Create Uneven Playing Field for Graduate Applicants |
3.A5 |
Pawlak, Alanna |
Improving education through departmental change: a comparison of approaches |
3.E2 |
Pugh, Samantha |
Developing Business Acumen and Employability in Physics Undergraduates: What do students really learn? |
3.M2 |
Quaal, Adam |
Exploratory factor analysis of the QMCA |
3.C4 |
Riihiluoma, William |
Student Use of Dirac Notation to Express Probability Concepts in Quantum Mechanics |
3.K3 |
Salmani, Fatema Al |
A Rubric for Assessing Thinking Skills in Free-Response Exam Problems |
3.C1 |
Scherr, Rachel E |
Centering and marginalization in introductory university physics courses |
3.J4 |
Smith, Trevor |
Toward a valid instrument for measuring physics quantitative literacy |
3.I3 |
Stanley, Bryan |
Perspectives on informal programs: How site visits can help us learn more |
3.B5 |
Stewart, John |
What does the Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation pretest measure? |
3.C3 |
Sulaiman, Nidhal |
Impact on students' views of experimental physics from a large introductory physics lab course |
3.D1 |
Tipton, Maya |
Does IPLS help students apply physics to biology? |
3.M1 |
Traxler, Adrienne |
Chili and mistakes: Students reflect on research |
3.H5 |
Wang, Jianlan |
Scrutinize SA-student interaction in inquiry-oriented college physics courses |
3.E1 |
Weller, Daniel P. |
Video Analysis of Variation in Computational Thinking Practices in Physics |
3.H1 |
Werth, Alexandra |
Process of transforming of an introductory mechanics lab course at Fort Lewis College |
3.L2 |
Whitcomb, Kyle |
Recognition always matters: A cross-sectional study of the physics identity of physics majors |
3.A3 |
Wilcox, Bethany |
Understanding the student experience with emergency remote teaching |
3.G2 |
Wilson, Michael B |
E&M Plane Wave Visualization Designed for Improved Student Understanding |
3.I1 |
Winther-Larsen, Sebastian Gregorius |
Quantifying professors’ effect on student grades |
3.M4 |
Young, Tamara |
A case of successful learning about magnetism through the use of evidence |
3.J2 |