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Abstract Title: Thematic analysis of student manipulations of the PhET simulation “Fluid Pressure and Flow”
Abstract: Student difficulties with fluid statics and dynamics concepts often persist with conventional instruction. A curriculum was developed using a simulation to improve student understanding of fluid statics and dynamics taught in an introductory algebra-based physics courses for life science students. Screen capture videos were made of students completing a 20-minute guided inquiry tutorial that used the PhET simulation "Fluid Pressure and Flow". These videos were studied using qualitative thematic analysis to identify common actions and patterns of actions as students worked through the curriculum. Patterns observed from this analysis are compared and contrasted with the patterns made by experts working with the simulation. Additionally, pre- and post-activity assessments of student knowledge of fluid speed and pressure in pipes were made. These data were examined to establish what connections exist between actions made while working with the simulation and changes in students conceptual understanding of fluids.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session II
Poster Number: 2.I3

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Jeffrey Robert Rosauer
Illinois State University
Deer Park, IL 60010
Phone: 8477077016
and Co-Presenter(s)
Andrew Princer-Illinois State University
Justin Szela-Illinois State University
Josh Love-Illinois State University
Amber Sammons-Illinois State University
Grant Kaufman-Illinois State University
Rebecca Rosenblatt
Raymond Zich-Illinois State University