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PERC 2020 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Investigating partnerships and funding for the Physics Education Research community
Abstract: This study will inform the Physics Education Research (PER) community about patterns of partnerships and collaborations between authors and patterns of funding sources for the PER community over the last ten years. The study involves a text-based analysis of all Physics Education Research Conference (PERC) proceedings between 2010 to 2019 to identify funding sources and to determine patterns. PERC proceedings were selected given the central role of PERC to the PER community. PERC proceedings represent the community across scope of projects from small to large, across stage of projects from beginning to finished, and across investigator experience from new to established researchers. Findings are contrasted with those from the Learning Sciences community to provide context for understanding the significance of patterns. The goal of this work is to provide insight into the community's history and ten-year trajectory and thus enable the community to move forward in new and better directions.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session II
Poster Number: 2.A2
Contributed Paper Record: Contributed Paper Information
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Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Rebecca Rosenblatt
Tiliadal STEM Education: Solutions for Higher Education
Alexandria, VA 22301