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Abstract Title: Computation for Science: Engaging university science students in computational thinking
Abstract: Given the rising importance of computation in science, it is imperative that science undergraduates develop relevant computational skills. We discuss the design of a first year Computational Science course at an R1 institution in Ireland. This course is aimed as a first step on the path to developing students' computational skills within the context of science, and requires an understanding of the computational needs from across the scientific disciplines. We present preliminary results of survey data collected from academics and researchers in the college of science, with the aim of understanding who engages in computational practices, what the nature of those practices is, and how they vary across the disciplines. The taxonomy of computational thinking of Weintrop et al. (2015) is used to contextualize those skills for each of the scientific disciplines. The results will inform the course design and the articulation of graduate attributes in relation to computational skills.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session II
Poster Number: 2.I5

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Claire Mullen
University College Dublin School of Mathematics and Statistics
Dublin, Non U.S.
and Co-Presenter(s)
Claudia Fracchiolla, University College Dublin School of Mathematics and Statistics
Ted Cox, University College Dublin School of Mathematics and Statistics
Neil Hurley, University College Dublin School of Computer Science
Jack O'Connor, University College Dublin School of Mathematics and Statistics
Maria Meehan, University College Dublin School of Mathematics and Statistics