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PERC 2021 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Reflective Journaling in the Era of COVID
Abstract: The Alma project was developed at San Francisco State with the purpose of promoting inclusion and affirming students' identities by encouraging self-reflection through journaling. After the Alma Project was successfully piloted in 2018 in Supplemental Instruction (SI) classes, it further expanded into all SI classes as well as introductory physics and astronomy labs. In Spring 2020, reflective journaling was used as an asset-based tool to center student voices in physics classrooms and to recognize students' experiences transitioning to online learning during the COVID-19 global pandemic. In addition, a question was added to lab experience surveys to understand students' experiences with remote learning during COVID-19. Essays (N = 257) and surveys (N = 1031) were analyzed using an iterative thematic coding approach. Based on these surveys and essays, we identify themes of positive and negative impact of online teaching and learning as well as strategies students described for self-care.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session 1 Room C
Poster Number: 1C-6

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Bahar Amin
San Francisco State University
San Francisco, CA 94132
Phone: 9257840342
and Co-Presenter(s)
Ana Maria Barrera, Kim Coble, Amal Egad, Niah Freeman, Jomar Lopes, Rachel Xie; San Francisco State University