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PERC 2021 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Exploring student conceptual resources about heat and temperature
Abstract: Previous literature about students' understanding of heat and temperature primarily emphasizes students' misunderstandings of canonical physics concepts. In our study, we used a resources-oriented approach to analyze 653 student responses to questions about thermal phenomena, looking for ways in which their responses could serve as valuable resources for continued learning. We identified three common conceptual
resources: (A) heat transfer is directional; (B) an object's physical properties matter in thermal processes; and (C) hotter objects have more energy. These resources could be used to strengthen physics teaching by using students' understandings of heat and temperature to support the development of more advanced physics ideas.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session 1 Room A
Poster Number: 1A-24
Contributed Paper Record: Contributed Paper Information
Contributed Paper Download: Download Contributed Paper

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Yohannes Medhanie Abraham
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle, WA 98119
and Co-Presenter(s)
Mikayla Valentin, Seattle Pacific University
Brynna Hansen, Seattle Pacific University
Lauren C. Bauman, University of Washington-Seattle Campus
Amy D. Robertson, Seattle Pacific University