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Abstract Title: Physics teachers’ framings of the relationship between equity and antiracism
Abstract: With the ongoing antiracism movement in the United States, there is a call for physics teachers to incorporate equity-based and antiracist activities and curricula into their classrooms. In an online summer professional development course for high school physics teachers, we listened to participants define and compare antiracism and equity. We identified three framings (dual, part-whole, and developmental) that characterize these high school physics teachers' conceptions of the relationship between equity and antiracism. The framings offer insights into physics teachers' notions of anti-racist practice in relation to equity and their concerns regarding enacting equity and antiracism in teaching practice.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session 2 Room D
Poster Number: 2D-13
Contributed Paper Record: Contributed Paper Information
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Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Tra Huynh
University of Washington Bothell
Phone: 9713309614
and Co-Presenter(s)
Lauren C. Bauman, University of Washington

Amy D. Robertson, Seattle Pacific University

Rachel E. Scherr, University of Washington Bothell