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Abstract Title: Conceptualizing Assessments in PER Informed by Explicit Feedback for Instructors
Abstract: PER-developed assessments are used to track students' progress in a curriculum. If carefully designed, such assessments can also be used by instructors to inform explicit course modifications beyond using them just as tools to evaluate student learning. However, this requires a mechanism to translate assessment outcomes, which are usually presented as a score, into meaningful information about student learning. This information can in turn inform actionable feedback for instructors. In this work, we advocate for PER-developed assessments that explicitly include actionable feedback for instructors. We demonstrate a mechanism to generate feedback for coupled, multiple-response tasks in the context of developing a new standardized assessment for upper-division thermal physics. The inherent features of the coupled, multiple-response tasks such as the ability to administer online with streamlined scoring inform its broader utility in classrooms with small to large student enrollment.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session 2 Room C
Poster Number: 2C-13

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Amali Priyanka Jambuge
Department of Physics, Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506
Phone: 7854738286
and Co-Presenter(s)
Katherine D. Rainey, Department of Physics, University of Colorado Boulder
Amogh Sirnoorkar, Department of Physics, Kansas State University
Bethany R. Wilcox, Department of Physics, University of Colorado Boulder
James T. Laverty, Department of Physics, Kansas State University