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Abstract Title: Building Nuance in Classroom Conversations about Ethics, Science, and Society
Abstract: Conversations around the interactions of ethics, science, and society within STEM classrooms provide opportunities for students to practice large-scale ethical reasoning in the context of their future careers. We have designed and implemented curricular units which help instructors to scaffold these conversations in Texas State University STEM courses, including Modern Physics and Observational Astrophysics.  We have collected and analyzed video data and written work in these course contexts. Our analysis has demonstrated that students' scaffolded considerations of different stakeholder groups can build empathy and deepen their understanding of the broader context for ongoing ethical issues. We also see that students' characterization of stakeholder groups' motivations and identities can grow in complexity and nuance. In this talk, I will use classroom video and other artifacts to illustrate some examples we have identified where we see students building nuance and consider lessons for supporting students' engagement with complex ethical issues in physics.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session 2 Room D
Poster Number: 2D-22

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Brianne Gutmann
Texas State University
and Co-Presenter(s)
Alexander Vasquez, Texas State University
Daniel Barringer, Texas State University
Alice Olmstead, Texas State University