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PERC 2021 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Physics Teacher Retention, Attrition, and Migration
Abstract: Physics is taken by fewer than one-half of high school graduates in the U.S., and contextual factors related to access, participation, teaching quality, and precursor performance in science and mathematics may provide insights into why students take physics and how they perform in the subject. In this session, a group of physics education researchers will examine precollege physics equity in terms of student-, teacher-, and school-level characteristics that predict physics access and achievement. These studies explore how ethnicity and class are factors in the reproduction of structural inequalities in precollege physics in the U.S. The session will include extended time for a broader discussion where all speakers and the physics education research community may debate policy reforms that will promote more equitable student outcomes.
Abstract Type: Symposium Talk
Parallel Session: Equity in Precollege Physics Access, Teaching, and Learning

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Martin Palermo
Stony Brook University and William Floyd High School, NY
and Co-Presenter(s)
Angela M. Kelly, Stony Brook University
Robert Krakehl, Stony Brook University and Manhasset High School, NY