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PERC 2021 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Understanding how African American Women in STEM Overcome Barriers within the Academy
Abstract: Previous research indicates that African American women often experience social disparities such as race, gender, and class in the academy. Additionally, a lack of adequate mentoring and financial resources to support their research efforts create fundamental challenges for them. In this work, I investigated the barriers African American women overcome in pursuit of academic success in STEM disciplines using a qualitative research method to attend to social, historical, and temporal context. The findings of these studies are tentatively applied; that is, they may be applicable in diverse situations based on comparability of other contexts (Marino, 1995, p. 464). Data for this study included in-depth interviews with five participants, using an open-ended conversational format to facilitate the development of trust, rapport, and maximum elicitation of stories from the participants. The results suggest that African American Women overcome barriers to successful STEM careers through their family and social ties, mentoring relationships, and religious practices.
Abstract Type: Symposium Talk
Parallel Session: Identifying the Resources that Support the Success of African Americans in STEM

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Nora Howard
Senior Education Consultant