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PERC 2022 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Navigating privilege and constraints in early career positions
Abstract Type: Custom Format
Abstract: Each of us comes into our careers with our personal identities, specific needs, and values that we hold. In early career positions, we may have a vision to make changes in our department and find ourselves in positions that afford us the privilege to act as levers for change. However, we are also constrained by departmental traditions and culture and the pressure to assimilate in order to maintain job security including promotion and/or getting tenure. These tensions are complicated by the intersectional identities we bring into our careers which may further privilege or marginalize us. In this session we offer a space to come together to explore these tensions and learn from the experience of others. We will offer some examples from folks in PER who have made stands around work/life boundaries, teaching culture, and research culture – about the benefits and the costs. We will work together with a framework to help us think more systematically about how to move forward under our constraints, and sow the seeds for groups that can offer mutual support in these challenging endeavors.
This session is organized by the PER Early Career Group.
Content Warning: Academic risk; Potential discussion of discriminatory professional experiences or retaliation.
Session Time: Parallel Sessions Cluster II
Room: Vandenberg A

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Katie Ansell
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Urban, IL 61801
and Co-Presenter(s)
Rachel Henderson (she/her), Michigan State University
Kelby Hahn (they/them or she/her), Oregon State University

Parallel Session Information

Format Description: This session will be a mix of a workshop and a collaboration space. We are not yet clear about whether we will invite presenters (and if so, who) but will keep Kelby up to date with our plans. The framework we plan to offer is based off of the venn diagram described in this blog post https://blogs.agu.org/geoedtrek/2022/01/14/climate-action-venn-diagram/ but the specific conversations that arise will depend on the identities and interests of the attendees.
Moderator: Katie Ansell (she/her), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Rachel Henderson (she/her), Michigan State University
Kelby Hahn (they/them or she/her), Oregon State University