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Abstract Title: Professional profiles and teacher training of Physics teachers in Latin America
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Abstract: The physics teachers require, in addition to knowledge of the discipline, to develop skills that allow them to plan and implement teaching strategies that help students acquire knowledge of the different branches of physics and their usefulness in different contexts. Thus, teacher training plays a fundamental role and can be approached from two perspectives: initial training (profile) and in-service training (teacher training). In Latin America, particularly in Chile and Mexico, the training of physics teachers focuses on their professional profile, so it is necessary to deepen teacher training, so that an ideal profile is achieved to teach physics classes. In general, the teaching training of teachers can again be divided into two: 1) courses on the didactics of physics; and 2) Courses on the educational model of the school. In this work, a study is made about the training of the physics teacher, creating indicators to know the ideal profile of the teacher and proposing training tools that allow the teacher to approach the ideal profile, making a comparison of the results of the study between teachers of Chile and Mexico.
Session Time: Poster Session 3
Poster Number: III-1

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Mario Humberto Ramírez Díaz
Instituto Politécnico Nacional
México City, Non U.S. 11410
Phone: +525541419010
and Co-Presenter(s)
Dr. Jhonny Alexis Medina Paredes
Universidad Austral de Chile