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PERC 2022 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Phenomenography in PER
Abstract Type: Symposium Talk
Abstract: Physics education researchers often seek to describe their qualitative data through thematic (coding) analyses--a family of analytic approaches that generally involves interpreting qualitative data in terms of codes, categories, and themes. While this family of analytic approaches can produce similar categorization schemes predicated on iterative engagement with qualitative data, there are specific kinds of thematic analysis that entail meaningfully different details for physics education researchers at the level of their analysis and presentation of results. One such thematic analysis approach originally developed in Sweden is phenomenography. In this talk, I will review phenomenography as a methodology for physics education researchers with examples from the Lund University PER group, examining the theoretical basis upon which phenomenography is built and highlighting how the results of phenomenographic analysis can be leveraged to inform physics teaching practice. This talk will also feature a comparison of phenomenography to other similar thematic analytic approaches such as grounded theory, discourse analysis, and phenomenology.
Session Time: Parallel Sessions Cluster II
Room: Pantlind Ballroom
Parallel Session: Physics education research in the Nordic countries

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Elias Euler
Lund University, Sweden
and Co-Presenter(s)
Moa Eriksson
Urban Eriksson (he/him), Lund University, Sweden