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PERC 2022 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: A short introduction to using Social Semiotics and Variation Theory of Learning in PER
Abstract Type: Symposium Talk
Abstract: Social Semiotics (SS) and Variation Theory of Learning (VTL) are two theoretical frame-works actively being developed in Sweden and have shown success when applied in Nordic PER. They have their basis in representations and the learning that may occur when interacting with representations. SS and VTL aim to qualitatively describe the students' usage of representations and tie this to students' meaning making in physics. By coding and analyzing multimodal transcripts of interviews or learning situations where students are creating, manipulating, and communicating using representations, a rich qualitative description of the learning situation may be obtained. This presentation aims to showcase the workflow and strengths of this approach for use in PER.
Session Time: Parallel Sessions Cluster II
Room: Pantlind Ballroom
Parallel Session: Physics education research in the Nordic countries

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Kim Svensson
Lund University, Sweden