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Abstract Title: Impact of Response-Shift Bias on Students' Sense of Relevance
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Abstract: Response-shift bias (RSB) describes how an instructional intervention can induce a downshift in students' self-assessment of their pre-instructional capabilities and interests. This downshift produces a misalignment between the students' perception of their learning experience and changes in pre-to-post self-assessments. Using an expected post-test and a retrospective pre-test, the RSB downshift has been observed in pre-to-post instructional shifts in the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey (CLASS), offering a possible explanation of why significant positive CLASS shifts can be difficult to obtain. However, it remains to be seen what this downshift reveals about student self-evaluation. To explore this question, we added a free-response reflective question to four items on the CLASS that prompted students to explain how they determined their expected and retrospective responses. We summarize the students' reflections on their CLASS responses with a set of nine themes and examine how instances of these themes correlated with each other in students' reflections at the beginning and end of the semester. We find that, by the end of the semester, the students began to reflect on their conceptual knowledge and experience more often when making comparison-type statements, and they began to reflect on their conceptual knowledge more often in connection with their level of confidence. This learning-induced change in self-assessment is the foundation of response-shift bias.
Session Time: Poster Session 2
Poster Number: II-4

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Brendan McEnroe
University of North Florida
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Phone: 9546217448
and Co-Presenter(s)
Ivy Shaw, University of North Florida
W. Brian Lane, University of North Florida