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PERC 2022 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: PERLOC feedback and questions
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Abstract: The Physics Education Research Topical Group (PERTG) is a Topical Group within the American Association of Physics Teachers, formed for those with a special interest in research on the teaching and learning of physics. The Physics Education Research Leadership and Organizing Council (PERLOC) is elected by PERTG to serve as the representative body for community decision-making. Some of PERLOC's major responsibilities include selecting and supporting both the PERC organizers and Editors.  A member of the PERLOC committee will be available by this poster to answer questions about PERLOC initiatives and take suggestions from the general community for future things PERLOC should work toward. PERLOC is currently co-chaired by Bethany Wilcox and Rachel Henderson and other members are Rebecca Rosenblatt, Charlotte Zimmerman, Lauren Barth-Choen, Sujata Krishna, Raymond Zich, and Alice Churukian, ex officio, is Chair of the AAPT Committee on Research in Physics Education.
Session Time: Poster Session 3
Poster Number: III-63

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Bethany Wilcox
University of Colorado Boulder
Broomfield, CO 80020
Phone: 9704125014