PERC 2022 Abstract Detail Page
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Abstract Title: | Trajectories Transfer Students follow to reach a Bachelor's Granting University |
Abstract Type: | Contributed Poster Presentation |
Abstract: | Through this Poster, we will discuss the trajectories of undergraduate physics transfer students into a bachelor's granting university. Students in the study attend a large, public bachelor's granting university in which a significant fraction of undergraduate physics majors are transfer students. In one-on-one interviews, students discussed their academic and personal experiences before, during, and after their transition from community college(s) to a bachelor's granting university. During the interviews, we adapted the life grid methodology to track student's career and skill development over time. In this poster, we will discuss how their career and skill development evolves through their higher education path. We then consider how these paths complicate common narratives about the time students spend in community college and bachelor's granting university. |
Session Time: | Poster Session 2 |
Poster Number: | II-9 |
Author/Organizer Information | |
Primary Contact: |
Frank Thomas Dachille San Jose State University Mountain View, CA 94040 Phone: 6505342263 |
Co-Author(s) and Co-Presenter(s) |
Gina Quan (she/her/hers) |