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PERC 2022 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Developing Augmented Reality Modules to Teach Physics
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Abstract: Many undergraduate students find it difficult to visualize 3D physics concepts. There is a need for context-specific spatial visualization activities to help students connect 2D representations to 3D models. An interdisciplinary team of undergraduate students and faculty create 3D augmented reality (AR) models of physics concepts including circular motion, torque, electric and magnetic fields, and electromagnetic induction. The AR models are developed with Unity with Vuforia software tools. To use the app, students view the Merge cube through their device, and observe 3D physics models overlaid on the Merge cube. By rotating the Merge cube, the students can view the 3D model from different perspectives. Students and instructors can utilize these AR apps in a variety of situations including for use in lectures, problem solving sessions, and labs for in-person or remote instruction. Augmented reality 3D models have applications in many STEM disciplines that require strong spatial visualization skills.
Session Time: Poster Session 3
Poster Number: III-79

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Michele McColgan
Siena College
Loudonville, NY 12211
Phone: 5185988943
and Co-Presenter(s)
George Hassel (he/him/his), Siena College
Rebecca Lindell (she/her/hers), Tiliadal STEM Education: Solutions for Higher Ed