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PERC 2022 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Help! I am at a Primary Undergraduate Institutions; how do I include undergraduate research students into my research?
Abstract Type: Collaboration Space
Abstract: Undergraduate research is important for all undergraduates, not just those planning on going on to graduate school.  It helps encourage the development of critical thinking skills and a deeper understanding of the physics and astronomy phenomena, as well as providing the opportunity for many students to discover something about themselves and their future career paths. For those PER folks at any of the over 2000 Primary Undergraduate Institutions (PUIs) throughout the United States, the primary focus is on our teaching, which forces us to leave research as a secondary effort.  In addition, many of the faculty at the PUIs most design their research programs to include undergraduate students from their institutions.  This can be a daunting and difficult task for many. To help these individuals, multiple Physics Education Researchers have successfully overcome barriers to finding and encouraging undergraduate students to participate in their research programs.  This breakout session will focus on how four PER members have accomplished this and how their experiences can encourage others in the community to incorporate undergraduate students into their research.  This breakout session will include a brief 5-minute introduction from at least four session leaders on how they overcame the obstacles to include undergraduate students in their research. After the introduction, each presenter will lead a roundtable discussion focused on key ways that they found for successfully including undergraduates in their research. The session leaders include Rebecca Lindell, Tiliadal STEM Education: Solutions for Higher Education; Michele McColgan, Siena College; DJ Wagner, Grove City College; and Raymond Zich, Illinois State University.  If the breakout session time allotted is greater than one hour, then participants will be able to either rotate to another round table or participate in a session wide discussion of what has been learned at this session.
Footnote: For information on Primarily Undergraduate Institutions, please see Council on Undergraduate Research, cur.org
Session Time: Parallel Sessions Cluster III
Room: Governor's Room

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Rebecca Lindell
Tiliadal STEM Education: Solutions for Higher Education
Lafayette, IN 47901
Phone: 7654305688
and Co-Presenter(s)
Michele McColgan Siena Collage
DJ Wagner, Grove City College
Raymond Zich, Illinois State University

Parallel Session Information

Format Description: Will be a discussion session where each one of the session leaders presents a short introduction focused on how they overcame barriers to successfully incorporate undergraduates into their research. After this, the group will break into several round table discussions led by the session leaders.
Moderator: Rebecca Lindell (She/her) Tiliadal STEM Education: Solutions for Higher Education
Anticipated Participants: Anyone interested in incorporating undergraduates into their research is invited to attend.