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PERC 2022 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Exploring identity formation of ethnic and gender minorities in physics
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Abstract: Physics is a space historically dominated by cis white men. Ethnic and gender minorities are often assigned general roles that they are expected to inhabit, drawn from preconceived notions of gender norms and ethnic stereotypes. It can become difficult for these groups to move through the field based on limitations of power structures and dynamics. We aim to explore undergraduate student perspectives and attitudes toward identity development and community formation within physics. Drawing ideas from personal experiences as well as less-explored topics, we will discuss possible ways to explore how students structure identities in physics and potential improvements to the physics classroom that can support inclusivity. This project focuses on student attitudes and perspectives at the undergraduate level. Our goal is to identify sources of bias among academia to create more inclusive and welcoming spaces for students learning physics.
Session Time: Poster Session 2
Poster Number: II-3

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Naomi Satoh
Illinois State University PER
Normal, IL 61761
Phone: 2244064852
and Co-Presenter(s)
James DiCaro (he/him), Illinois State University PER
Raymond Zich (he/him), Illinois State University PER