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Abstract Title: Impact of supplemental resources on student outcomes in introductory electricity & magnetism
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Abstract: Calculus-based introductory physics classes are prerequisite courses for many STEM majors and traditionally have a large attrition rate. One way to improve student learning outcomes is by creating open-access supple-mental materials. In this study, we investigated the relation between student engagement with supplemental materials and their performance in a calculus-based introductory course on electricity and magnetism. The re-sources examined in this study included video resources, summarizing important concepts, showing example problems, and covering in-depth problem-solving techniques, as well as prior years' exams. These resources were offered to support the learning of a diverse student population beyond the formal class structure. We an-alyzed student scores from midterm and final exams, their final letter grade, and their responses to anonymous questionnaires administered three times throughout the semester. Results from a statistical analysis of student performance found that those who engaged with supplemental materials (videos and previous years' exams) showed consistently higher performance on almost all exams and in their final course grades. Responses to the anonymous questionnaires showed that large majorities (80-90%) of students felt the supplemental materials had a positive impact on their learning of the material and their performance on exams.
Session Time: Poster Session 1
Poster Number: I-43

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Tatiana Erukhimova
Texas A&M University
and Co-Presenter(s)
Nathan Valadez (he/him/his), Texas A&M University
Dawson Nodurft (he/him/his), Texas A&M University
Jonathan Perry (he/him/his), University of Texas at Austin