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Abstract Title: Investigating Interactions Between Students and TAs/LAs in a Reform-Based Introductory Physics Laboratory
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Abstract: Engaging in the scientific process through laboratory experiments is a significant component of learning physics.   The Introductory Physics for Life Science (IPLS) laboratories at the University of Utah are facilitated by a team of teaching assistants (TAs) and learning assistants (LAs), who are responsible for providing resources and support for the students to perform the experiments that they design.  The frequency of interactions between students and TAs/LAs has important effects on the engagement of students in the lab and performance on lab tests (Stang and Roll, 2014).  We use a qualitative research study to explore how TAs/LAs interact with students to support laboratory engagement, and the varied amount of interactions that TAs/LAs have with students.  Several sections of the laboratory were recorded and moments where students interacted with TAs/LAs were analyzed to describe how student-TA/LA interactions facilitate engagement with science.
Session Time: Poster Session 2
Poster Number: II-79

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Benjamin Searle
University of Utah
Magna, UT 84044
Phone: 385-831-0479
and Co-Presenter(s)
Adrian Adams (They/He), University of Utah
Lauren Barth-Cohen (She/Her), University of Utah
Michelle Cao, University of Utah
Jordan Gerton (He/Him), University of Utah
Claudia De Grandi (She/Her), University of Utah
Jason May, West Virginia University