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Abstract Title: Student Interactions and Group Dynamics within Reformed Introductory Physics for Life Science Laboratory (IPLS) Courses
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Abstract: The undergraduate physics labs for life science majors at the University of Utah utilizes the 3-dimensional learning approach in order to better support student learning of scientific practices and physics. Within this instructional approach students are given more agency in directing the experimental planning and implementation with emphasis on exercising scientific thinking. However, providing students with free agency to form groups and self delegate tasks can present learning gaps amongst students in vulnerable social groups (women, students with disabilities, LGBTQ+ students, BIPOC students, etc.). With qualitative data from screen capture audio and visual recordings of University computers as well as video recordings of this laboratory setting, we can study student interactions in delegating roles that can be gendered in nature. For example, students that present as female will oftentimes be assigned the role of scribe or task manager. Studying these interactions can provide insight on where biases might limit student participation.
Session Time: Poster Session 2
Poster Number: II-80

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Michelle Cao
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT
and Co-Presenter(s)
Michelle Cao (she/they), University of Utah
Lauren Barth-Cohen (she/her), University of Utah
Jordan Gerton (he/him), University of Utah
Claudia De Grandi (she/her), University of Utah
Adrian Adams (they/them), University of Utah
Jason May (he/him), West Virginia University
Ben Searle (he/him), University of Utah