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Abstract Title: Using a Planning Prompt Survey to Encourage Early Completion of Homework Assignments
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Abstract: In an earlier study we showed that small amounts of extra credit offered for early progress on online homework assignments can reduce cramming behavior in introductory physics students. This work expands on the prior study by implementing a planning prompt intervention inspired by Yeomans and Reich's similar treatment. In the prompt we asked students to what degree they intended to earn extra credit offered for early work on the module sequence, and what their plan was to realize their intentions. The survey was assigned for ordinary course credit and due several days before the first extra credit deadline. We found that students who completed the prompt earned on average 0.6 more extra credit points and completed the modules an average of 1.0 days earlier compared to a previous semester. We detect the impact of the survey by creating a multilinear model based on data from students exposed to the intervention as well as students in a previous semester. Data from five homework sequences are included in the model to account for differences between the two semesters that cannot be attributed to the planning prompt intervention.
Session Time: Poster Session 2
Poster Number: II-1

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Zachary Felker
University of Central Florida
and Co-Presenter(s)
Zhongzhou Chen, University of Central Florida