PERC 2022 Abstract Detail Page
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Abstract Title: | Effectiveness of an online homework tutorial about changing basis in quantum mechanics |
Abstract Type: | Symposium Poster |
Abstract: | Changing basis is a common task when solving quantum mechanical problems. As part of a research project investigating student understanding of basis and change of basis in quantum mechanics, we developed a tutorial to support students in learning about basis in the context of spin-1/2 systems. We have since created an interactive online version of the basis tutorial as part of a freely available suite of online quantum tutorials called ACE Physics ( The ACE Physics tutorials include dynamic guidance elements and, unlike other tutorials, are intended for use outside the classroom without instructor facilitation. After extensive study in an instructor-supported environment, we assigned the ACE Physics basis tutorial as homework in two semesters of upper-division quantum mechanics, and we report on the effectiveness of the activity based on pre-/post-testing and comparison of student exam performance with a similar semester that did not include the activity. We find that the tutorial produces sufficient learning gains to justify continued assignment as a homework problem in our classes. |
Session Time: | Parallel Sessions Cluster III |
Room: | Gerald R. Ford Ballroom |
Parallel Session: | Learning Quantum: Contributed Posters Symposium |
Author/Organizer Information | |
Primary Contact: |
Giaco Corsiglia University of Colorado, Boulder Boulder, CO 80304 Phone: 9178853814 |
Co-Author(s) and Co-Presenter(s) |
Steven Pollock (He/Him), University of Colorado Boulder Bethany Wilcox (She/Her), University of Colorado Boulder |