Florida International University
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- Brewe, Eric
- Kramer, Laird
- Rodriguez, Idaykis
- Samuels, Natan
Contact Information
Department of Physics
Florida International University
CP 204
11200 SW 8th St
Miami, FL 33199
(305) 348-2605 Phone
(305) 348-6700 Fax
The FIU Physics Education Group conducts a coordinated program of research, curriculum development, and, instruction to improve the teaching and learning of physics. Graduate Students in the group select Physics Education Research as their field of research for the Ph.D. in Physics or for Ed.D/Ph.D in Education. The group's main projects include assessment of student learning in introductory physics classes, developing and implementing innovative activity-based physics curricula, and preparing pre-college teachers to use technology and inquiry to meet the National Science Standards. The group's research efforts are currently focused on developing, adapting, and evaluating activity-based instruction based on Modeling Physics in high school and undergraduate introductory physics courses.