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University of Central Florida


  • Chen, Zhongzhou
  • Chini, Jacquelyn

Physics Education Research at UCF is led by two tenure-track assistant professors. Both Dr. Jackie Chini and Dr. Zhongzhou Chen received their Ph.D.s in physics for research in physics education. We study issues relevant to the evolving landscape of higher education in physics and collaborate with colleagues in related disciplines.

Dr. Jackie Chini's group examines how to adapt active learning strategies for diverse student populations and institutional contexts. She has received funding through the NSF-WIDER program to study diverse implementations of SCALE-UP across the country and through the NSF-IUSE program to study the efficacy of popular active learning strategies for students with executive function disorders, common among students with ADHD, learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder and student veterans.

Dr. Zhongzhou Chen is interested in combining online education technology with learning science to shape the future of STEM education. Collaborating with the Center for Distributed Learning at UCF (online.ucf.edu), he designs and develops online learning modules based on the concept of deliberate practice. He is also interested in measuring and modeling the fundamental cognitive process behind physics problem solving.


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Research Group Home Page
Dr. Jacquelyn Chini
Dr. Zhongzhou Chen