US - Solo Physics Education Researchers
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Recent Forum Posts
January 8,
Paul DeStefano posted
AAPT COMMUNITIES and Discord for Solo PER
Tom Foster posted
Think Aloud Protocol
Steve Maier posted
PERLOC Councilor Elections!
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- AlFiky, Mohammad
- Alicea-Munoz, Emily
- Andersen-Monserratte, Leif
- Anito, Jovito Jr
- Annune, Jighjigh
- Aprilia, Risda
- Aravind, Vasudeva Rao
- Atkins Elliott, Leslie
- Babu, Mohan
- Bajracharya, Rabindra
- Bani-Salameh, Hisham
- Barker, Brent
- Barr, Alex
- Bayat Barooni, Amin
- Beverly, Nancy
- Bhansali, Aesha
- Bhullar, Shilpy
- Bickel, Jessica
- Bisht, Konark
- Blue, Jennifer
- Bogdan, Abigail
- Bonham, Scott
- Brazzle, Bob
- Bulo, Dejene
- Burns, Andrew
- Burnstein, Ray
- Camacho-Perez, Enrique
- Camp, Paul
- Cao, Ying
- Chastain, Raymond
- Choisuren, Bayarsaikhan
- Chuang, Ya-Wen
- Churukian, Alice
- Concannon, Kristi
- Conlin, Luke
- Cothrel, Helen
- de Barros, Acacio
- Deane, Jim
- Deneault, Ethan
- Deshpande, Deepa
- DeStefano, Paul
- Devine, Kathryn
- Ding, Lin
- Dominguez, Alberto
- Dowdy, Jess
- Dreyfus, Benjamin
- Dykstra, Dewey
- Eddins, Andrew
- Edmonds, Chris
- Engelhardt, Paula
- Fatima, Huma
- Fencl, Heidi
- Ferreira, Annalize
- Finzell, Thomas
- Flannery, William
- Foster, Tom
- French, Rica S.
- Galloway, Ross
- Ganesh, Padma
- Geislinger, Brian
- Genz, Florian
- Gerald, James
- Granger Jr, Billy
- Gungor, Almer
- H?, Tài
- Haghanikar, Mojgan
- Hake, Richard
- Hamdan, Alia
- Harper, Kathleen
- Heiner, Cynthia
- Hernandez, Jessica
- Herring, Thomas
- Hidayat, Arif
- Hinrichs, Brant
- Holmes, Natasha
- Holz, Kristin
- House, Lindsay
- Hutchison, Paul
- Ishimoto, Michi
- Ismael, Safana
- Ives, Joss
- Jaqua, Lene Mahler
- Jariwala, Manher
- Johnson, Andy
- Jones, Dyan
- Juma, Nasser
- Kanim, Steve
- Karunaratne, Nuwan
- Kazmi, Mohammad
- Keen, Stephen
- Knaub, Alexis
- Kortemeyer, Gerd
- Krishna, Sujata
- Kuchina, Elena
- Lall, Ravi
- Lattery, Mark
- Lau, Matty
- Liao, David
- Lindell, Rebecca
- Lindsey, Beth
- lopez, dany
- Lopez Rosas, Luis Fernando
- Loverude, Michael
- Lund, Debbie
- Mahabaduge, Hasitha
- Maier, Steve
- Mamudi, William
- Marx, Jeffrey
- Mason, Andrew
- Mason, Andrew
- Mathis, Clausell
- McCaskey, Timothy
- McColgan, Michele
- McCoy, Bradley
- McCullough, Laura
- McDermott, Liam
- Melcher, Angie
- Melhem, Nisreen
- Meredith, Dawn
- Mihret, Zemenu
- Mino, Janna
- Mistades, Voltaire
- Morrow, Cherilynn
- Moser, Bradley
- Murphy, Sytil
- Musters, Natascha
- Nadji, Taoufik
- Natian, Albert
- Ndubuisi, Miracle
- Nguyen, Iris
- NGUYEN, Van-Duy
- Nolan, Erin
- O'Callaghan-Hay, Bridget
- Orazymbetov, Kudiyar
- Palomino Noa, Wilfredo
- Palotti, Matthew
- Panagakou, Evangelia
- Paul, Cassandra
- Pawl, Andrew
- Perry, Jonathan
- Phillips, Ken
- Prammer, PhD, Katherine
- Pyper, Brian A.
- radhakrishnan, shruthi
- Ramlo, Sue
- Raschke, Lynne
- Rees, Lawrence
- Ren, Hongtao
- Rosenblatt, Rebecca
- Rosengrant, David
- Sabella, Mel
- Sadaghiani, Homeyra
- Sahyun, Steven
- Samani, Josh
- Sammons, Amber
- Sanjaya, Lari
- Sanwatsar, Vishal
- Sarva, Jay
- Savio-Ramos, Caroline
- Sayer, Ryan
- Scannell, Billy
- Schwarz, Cindy
- Sengul, Ozden
- Shaevitz, Ben
- Shaw, Kimberly
- Shubert, Christopher
- Smith, Amy
- Spina, Alexis
- Steffler, Matt
- Sword, Astra
- Tabal, Stephen
- Taylor, Carrie
- Thacker, Beth
- Topdemir, Zeynep
- Torigoe, Eugene
- Tournier, Adam
- Trauger, Hallie
- Tucker, Laura
- Turner, Jacob
- Ubing, Christopher
- Urquhart, Mary
- Utter, Brian
- Utter, Brian
- Visnjic, Katerina
- Wagner, DJ
- Wang, Jing
- Waters, David
- Wells, James
- White, Eric
- Wiegert, Craig
- Willoughby, Shannon
- Wood, Krista
- Wyman, Max
- Zhou, Changgong
- Zich, Raymond
- Ziegler, Jehuda
- Zirbel, Esther
- Zu, Tianlong
This is a list of researchers and faculty who are the only members of their department or part of a small group (pre-high school, high school, two-year college, college or university) involved in physics education research either formally or informally. It provides an avenue for contact and communication among these professionals and with others.
What we "do:"
- Meet regularly at AAPT summer meetings as a Topical Session (formally called Crackerbarrels)
- Hold virtual meetings through video conferences
- Hold video conferences with authors of recent work related to PER
- Serve as a community of support for those who might not otherwise have access to nearby colleagues in PER
At the 2018 Solo PER Topical Discussion we talked about a platform for networking and sharing ideas. Slack and Discord were both mentioned. Helen has graciously set up a Discord server as a venue for us! Some might be more familiar with Slack, but Discord offers real-time voice chat. Here is a summary:
The Solo PER Discord server is a place for independent researchers to chat--seriously or casually--about what they're working on or what they want to work on. In Discord, we can share ideas through written chat, voice chat, or video calls. Discord is free to use and can be used in a web browser, desktop app, or on a smartphone.
Here is the link!
Additional Links
- Join the Solo PER Group
- Subscribe to the Solo PER Forum
- Contact the Solo PER Group Editors
- Post to the Solo PER Forum
- Solo PER Discord Server
- The Solo PER Discord server is a place for independent researchers to chat--seriously or casually--about what they're working on or what they want to work on. In Discord, we can share ideas through written chat, voice chat, or video calls. Discord is free to use and can be used in a web browser, desktop app, or on a smartphone.