D. Brookes and E. Etkina, Science, 330 (10), 605-606 (2010).
This article presents and explains the physics learning system called Investigative Science Learning Environment (ISLE), which features carefully selected observational videos as a…
A. Gupta, D. Hammer, and E. Redish, J. Learn. Sci., 19 (3), 285-321 (2010).
In a series of well-known papers, Chi and Slotta have contended that a reason for students' difficulties in learning physics is that they think about concepts as things rather than…
W. Christensen and J. Thompson, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res., 8 (2), 023101 (2012).
By analysis of student use of mathematics in responses to conceptual physics questions, as well as analogous math questions stripped of physical meaning, we have previously found…