D. McBride, D. Zollman, and N. Rebello, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res., 6 (2), 020101 (2010).
In prior research, the classification of concepts into three types—descriptive, hypothetical and theoretical—has allowed for the association of students' use of different concept…
D. Brookes and E. Etkina, Science, 330 (10), 605-606 (2010).
This article presents and explains the physics learning system called Investigative Science Learning Environment (ISLE), which features carefully selected observational videos as a…
C. Henderson, K. Heller, P. Heller, V. Kuo, and E. Yerushalmi, PERC 2002 Proceedings.
Based on an analysis of structured interviews with 6 research university physics faculty members, this paper presents our initial hypothesis of instructors' beliefs about how their…
W. Adams, S. Reid, R. LeMaster, S. McKagan, K. Perkins, M. Dubson, and C. Wieman, J. Interact. Learn. Res, 19 (3), 397-419 (2008).
Interactive computer simulations with complex representations and sophisticated graphics are a relatively new addition to the classroom, and research in this area is limited. We have…