S. Pollock, S. Chasteen, E. Kinney, and M. Dubson; Publisher: Science Education Initiative at the University of Colorado
- Online Resource
This concept test / clicker question collection was constructed over the course of four semesters of a transformed junior-level Electricity and Magnetism course on electro- and…
S. Pollock, S. Chasteen, E. Kinney, and M. Dubson; Publisher: Science Education Initiative at the University of Colorado
- Online Resource
This collection of tutorials and tutorial pre-tests was constructed for a transformed junior-level Electricity and Magnetism course. These tutorials are weekly student sessions,…
C. Baily, S. Pollock, M. Dubson, and N. Finkelstein
- Online Resource
This web site contains a complete suite of resources suitable for the second semester of an undergraduate electricity and magnetism class. The materials developed include a suite of…
A. Kohnle, D. Cassettari, T. Edwards, C. Ferguson, A. Gillies, C. Hooley, N. Korolkova, J. Llama, and B. Sinclair, Am. J. Phys., 80 (2), 148-148 (2012).
We describe a collection of interactive animations and visualizations for teaching quantum mechanics. The animations can be used at all levels of the undergraduate curriculum. Each…