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Abstract Title: Social Positioning and Consensus Building in “Board” Meetings With Disagreements
Abstract: This poster describes a whole-class whiteboard meeting and analyzes several examples from a college calculus-based introductory physics course and junior-level E&M course taught using modeling instruction.  Classes were divided into 3-6 groups of 2-4 students each.  Each group created a solution to the same problem on a 2'x 3' whiteboard.  The groups then formed a large circle in the center of the classroom with their whiteboards resting against their knees facing in to the rest of the group.  The instructor was outside the circle and interjected rarely.  

Examples are given of conversations where students did and did not overcome sharp disagreements to eventually reach whole-class consensus.  We examine how social positioning contributed to students either successfully examining and resolving different ideas or failing to do so.  We test the hypothesis that students who "hedged" their statements seemed to "open up" the space for discussion, while those who were more direct seemed to "close" it down.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session II
Poster Number: B36

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Brant Hinrichs
Drury University
900 N Benton Ave
Springfield, MO 65802
and Co-Presenter(s)
David Brookes, California State University, Chico
Jake Nass, Drury University