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PERC 2019 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Assessing the assessment: mutual information between response choices and factor scores
Abstract: Validated formative assessment tools provide a reliable way to compare multiple curricula across institutions. Such assessments typically employ a closed-response format developed from student responses to open-response questions and interviews with students and experts. The validity and reliability of these assessments is typically established using classical test theory and/or item response theory (IRT). The suitability of individual questions on an assessment can be examined using either of these methods, but so far little attention has been given to evaluating the response choices available in each question. Here, we introduce a new tool for developers, using the concept of mutual information, to quantitatively evaluate the utility of response choices in an assessment.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session II
Poster Number: B58
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Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Cole Walsh
Cornell University
118 Prospect St.
Ithaca, 14850
Phone: 6077935877
and Co-Presenter(s)
N.G. Holmes, Cornell University